Orange, CA

Come have fun! With more than 135 Merit Badges—from Archery and Art to Welding and Wilderness Survival—Scouting is the ultimate form of learning by doing. Scouts explore their interests and improve their skills while working toward Scouting’s highest rank: Eagle. By first imagining, planning then doing their own service projects, Scouts learn the value of hard work and experience the thrill of seeing it pay off. Add in outdoor adventures, hiking and camping, and Scouting gives youth all the experience they need to become the best they can be.
Weekly Troop Meetings
Troop 241 meets Monday nights at 7 p.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran modular building on N Canal Street. Activities & educational programs. Visitors are welcome!​
JAN 24-26
Winter Camping
Camp Tahquitz
FEB 21-23
O'Neill Park
MAR 1-2
Snowshoe Backpacking
San Jacinto
MAR 21-23
Bootcamp: New Scouting Skills;
Senior Scout Training
Lakeview Park (near Irvine Lake)
APR 25-27
Camporee: Canyons Dist. Competition
Oak Canyon (near Irvine Lake)
MAY 16-18
Desert Camping; Scout Skills; Rocketry
Cuddeback Dry Lake
Scout Now!
Inquire about upcoming events and learn how to join:
Boy Scout Troop #241
c/o St. Paul's Lutheran Church
1250 E Heim Ave
Orange, CA 92865

Phone Number
Email Address